This is the book that changed the lives
of millions of women around the world
It is –– THE SOURCE –– that revolutionized
the beauty/style landscape
David Kibbe’s Metamorphosis
A Comprehensive Formula
– Appealing, Reassuring, and Upbeat –
That Champions Individuality
Major ad/promo; 1st serial Ladies Home Journal;
Literary Guild; Author Tour
A note from David ―
Writing this book was a true labor of love.
Four and half years of blood, sweat, and tears ended up
emerging as one of my life’s most treasured achievements.
Predating the uproar of the internet –
it has been my blessing to have produced
what has become such a beloved and indispensable
paean to the celebration of individuality.
To all the millions of women and men
who enjoyed, loved, and benefitted from my book,
I humbly thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I am honored.
Watch out for the next one! It is coming …
David Kibbe is a GENIUS.
A MUST read for the woman who wants
to think for herself.
This book shatters the myths that women
have been brainwashed with for years.
I wish I would have written it.